Excellence For His Glory

Hill County Christian Academy

HCCA Is An Independent, Christian School Providing Exemplary Education To Students From Grades 1-12. HCCA Fosters Servant Leadership By Teaching Humility And A Biblical World View.
Find Out More (682)702-0573


Hill County Christian Academy is an independent, evangelical school assisting students and families by partnering with local bodies of believers to develop spiritually and academically equipped students who, through Christ-centered critical thinking, can impact the world for the glory of God. The mission of HCCA is to partner with families, students, and the community to provide students in Hill County, TX, an exemplary education while equipping them to bring Christ’s light to a dark world. Our desire is that we follow the Lord together, walking toward His vision and His purpose in our community. The objectives of HCCA include the following:
┃Teach a Biblical worldview
┃Partner with parents through a homeschool/classroom environment with guidance from qualified teachers
┃Provide opportunities for leadership and service
┃Guide students to grow in love for God, family, community and the world
┃Provide opportunities to develop individual strengths, gifts, and abilities
┃Grow in interpersonal skills as students collaborate and work with others
┃Grow in ability to think deeply and creatively
┃Develop personal work ethic, integrity, and perseverance

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OUR Philosophy

Hill County Christian Academy believes that every child is unique and special, made in the image of God. Scripture teaches that God knows each one by name, has a plan and a purpose for each child, and desires a personal relationship with each person. At HCCA, we strive to meet the needs of every student emotionally, academically, spiritually, and physically, using research-based instruction. Teachers seek to engage each child and guide them toward reaching their potential. True education must be based in a source greater than in the knowledge of mere humans because human logic and reasoning is subject to error. Therefore, HCCA employs a Christian worldview.
All learning finds its foundation in Biblical truth.

Our Ministry

We also recognize that a misconception exists regarding private Christian education - that it is wrought with “perfect” Christian kids and that no opportunity exists to practice ministry or interact with culturally, socially, economically, and behaviorally different individuals. Nothing is further from the truth. Rather than perfect kids, we have found there is opportunity for a perfect kind of ministry: one in which the instruction of God’s Word and Christian teachers and parents can lovingly guide and challenge behavior and thinking. Socio-economic backgrounds, religious backgrounds, and cultures are diverse, Each child brings something unique and wonderful to the classroom.

The difference in Christian education provided at Hill County Christian Academy is that there is freedom to point students and their families to the only real hope they have…a relationship with Jesus. We do that through direct Biblical instruction and through academic subjects. After all, we are teaching about the world He made, the order He created, and the history in which He intervenes. We have the opportunity to reach students’ hearts for Christ and build relationships with families to try to point them to Jesus Christ.

We have watched God work to meet specific needs and look forward with great expectation to how He will continue to work through HCAA and through these students.

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OUR Story

The goal of HCCA is to introduce every child to the truth of who they were created to be. Every child is created special. Each child has unique abilities and potential. Not all children learn the same way. HCCA is a homeschool based school with small classes. We have a special love for Christian education. We are teachers. Mediocre education in not an option. We love to teach creatively and see children reach their potential. We are convinced that the Lord has gifted us with every child, and we take seriously His mandate to teach them His laws as we are sitting and standing and walking.

We are burdened by the need to equip our children to live in a world of darkness and share His light and for their need for quality education. We are burdened by the need for relationships outside of our homes that direct our children to the Lord and for the need to provide them with opportunities to serve the Lord. We are burdened by the need to help them know how to navigate relationships and manage conflict in a way that is pleasing to the Father, not leaving them to muddle through it on their own, hoping that they somehow change their culture before the culture crushes and changes them.

We believe that He has graciously answered our prayers with a new opportunity for ministry to students and their families in Hill County: Hill County Christian Academy. He has taken the thought of homeschooling a few kids in a dining room to something we never expected or imagined. We believe that He is directing us to be a part of helping students in Hill County have quality education while equipping them to bring Christ’s light to a dark world.

We have personally witnessed what a Christian education can do for a child and want to be a part of that blessing to older students as well as to very young ones. We would like to see students who are trying to navigate the confusion of growing up, discern who God would have them to be. The task is monumental and couldn’t possibly be accomplished in a few hours in the evening after a busy day or a couple of hours on Sunday at church. It must be modeled and taught and lived continually.

We take very seriously the huge task that God has given us in raising disciples of Jesus. We see Him at work and want to join Him in what He is doing. We are acting out of obedience and love for our Savior and for the children that He has placed under our care.

We are not seeking to emulate public education. We are not trying to replace it or change it. At this time we will be focused on a homeschool type structure offering direct instruction throughout the week and allowing many of the parents the opportunity to reinforce skills at home other days of the week.

We seek to fully educate students who will grow up equipped to take light to dark places. There is a misconception that private Christian education is wrought with “perfect” Christian kids and that no opportunity exists to practice ministry or interact with culturally, socially, economically, and behaviorally different individuals. There is nothing farther from the truth. Rather than perfect kids, we have found there is opportunity for a perfect kind of ministry: one in which the instruction of God’s Word and Christian teachers and parents can lovingly guide and challenge behavior and thinking. Socio-economic backgrounds, religious backgrounds, and cultures are diverse. Each child brings something unique and wonderful to the classroom.

The difference in Christian education is that there is freedom to point students and their families to the only real hope they have...a relationship with Jesus. We do that through direct biblical instruction and through academic subjects. After all, we are teaching about the world He made, the order He created, and the history in which He intervenes. We can build relationships with families to try to point them to Christ.

We can help students as they have disagreements handle them with Jesus’ grace. We can try to reach students’ hearts for Christ...and not just curb their outward behavior. We can tell them why they have value – because they are created in the image of God. We have watched God work to meet specific needs; we can’t wait to see how He will continue to work through HCCA and through these students.

Our hope is that we follow the Lord together, walking toward His vision and His purpose in our community.

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Academic Curriculum

HCCA diligently looks for curriculum that holds students to a high academic standard, captures student attention, and bases teaching on the truth of God’s word. Much of the material used at HCCA is published by BJUPress.

Students are challenged in the areas of math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. HCCA encourages depth of learning rather than only memorization. While good learning requires memorizing some things, students are challenged to do more than study facts. They are encouraged to experience the subjects they are studying in order to find their own voice. HCCA students experiment, explore, challenge, and create so that they are ready to be leaders.

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Extra Curricular Activities

Extra Curricular Activities include:

Instructor: Mrs. Kelly Williams

Instructor: Mrs. Kelly Williams

Culinary Arts
Instructor: Jena Bodeker, Registered Dietitian

Instructor: Mrs. Kelly Williams

Instructor: Mrs. Amy Gonzalez

Horsemanship 101 & 102
Instructor: Mrs. Chancie Rogers

American Sign Language
Instructor: Mrs. Diane Frederickson

String Band
Instructor: Mr. Benjamin Henson

Instructor: Mr. Raul Rodriguez

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Student Information

HCCA commits to providing every student with the opportunity to learn in a safe and engaging environment. While HCCA is a homeschool-based program, students are expected to diligently participate in their education through classroom learning, home assignments, extracurricular activities and personal spiritual development. We believe that education is a partnership between teachers, students and families, and we strive to provide every child with every opportunity for success in the classroom and in life.

Students are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost character and integrity. When mistakes are made, we strive to accept responsibility for our actions, make restitution when appropriate, and forgive ourselves and others with humility and grace.

The following actions are not tolerated at HCCA:

• bullying

• stealing

• fighting/violence

• continually disrupting the learning of others

• insubordination/disrespect

Should behaviors requiring the typical redirection in the classroom be repeated, students will be referred to the administrator on campus. The behavior will be documented and appropriate consequences administered. It is possible that the student will be placed on a Behavior Intervention Plan with the goal of changing the student’s behavior. Should the behavior continue, the student’s records will be reviewed by the board, and the student’s enrollment at HCCA may be revoked. Tuition for the month will be prorated. Students posing an immediate, severe problem in the classroom will be sent home for the remainder of the day and a parent/ teacher/ administrator conference scheduled to determine if HCCA is an appropriate educational setting for the student.

There will be zero tolerance for weapons or drugs brought to the HCCA campus.
Families are responsible for reading and complying with the policies set forth in the handbook.

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Computer Class
Science Class
Closer Look
Mass and Weight
Hands On
See For Yourself
Helping Others

Enrollment Application

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Programs offered

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Student Handbook

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702 FM 309 Hillsboro, TX 76645
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